本校4名旅遊與款待學生 - 李家輝、黃文茜、彭嘉盈、鄧思霖,於較早前參與由TOWNPLACE本舍、香港學界旅遊與文化協會及旅遊星球主辦的酒店經營方案設計比賽,順利入選決賽,並於決賽當天擊敗眾多對手奪得冠軍,亦有幸獲邀與酒店CEO 共進晚餐。同學們透過是次活動,除了加深對課程內容的理解外,更學會團隊合作、溝通、匯報等技巧,亦加強了他們對自信心,獲益良好,過程中亦十分投入活動。
Four of our School of Tourism and Hospitality students - LEE Ka-fai, HUANG Wenxi, PANG Ka-ying, and TANG Sze-lam, participated in the Hotel Management Plan Design Competition organized by TOWNPLACE Hostel, the Hong Kong Student Travel and Culture Association, and Travel Planet earlier. They successfully advanced to the finals and emerged as champions on the final day, defeating numerous opponents. They also had the privilege of dining with the hotel's CEO. Through this event, the students not only deepened their understanding of the subject content but also learned teamwork, communication, presentation skills, and boosted their self-confidence. They benefitted greatly and were highly engaged throughout the process. |
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