Up 第六屆樂繫校園獎勵計劃 創新大獎 / 6th “Hi-Five Student Engagement Award Scheme” - Innovation Award Slideshow

「樂繫校園獎勵計劃」是香港浸信會愛群服務處,聯同教育局及香港教育大學合辦,以獎勵學校在行動、人際、知識、情意及家社方便能營造校園氣氛,讓學生建立多方面的連繋感,從而增加校園生活的愉快情緒及成長動力。 本校經過評審及確認,榮獲本年度的第六屆「樂繫校園」創新大獎,以表揚學校推行了多個極具創意而有成效的連繫計劃。頒獎典禮於27/11/2024 (星期三)於教育局九龍塘教育服務中心演講廳進行,而本校輔導主任亦有出席代表學校接受嘉許。

The “Hi-Five Student Engagement Award Scheme” is organized by the Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service, in collaboration with the Education Bureau and The Education University of Hong Kong. It aims to reward schools that create an atmosphere conducive to student engagement in action, interpersonal relationships, knowledge, emotions, and community involvement, thereby enhancing students' sense of connection and increasing their enjoyment and motivation in campus life. Our school has undergone evaluation and confirmation, and we are honored to receive this year's“Hi-Five Student Engagement Award Scheme” - Innovation Award in recognition of our implementation of several highly creative and effective connection programs. The award ceremony took place on November 27, 2024 (Wednesday) at the Education Bureau’s Kowloon Tong Education Service Centre auditorium, where our school’s guidance counselor had attended to accept the commendation on behalf of the school.


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