香港少年領袖團C中隊的單日中隊訓練日在11月9日於本校進行。 為了肩負學校陸運會開幕式及HKAC周年會操任務,上午訓練重點項目聚焦於步操課目。 午膳後,見習學員的訓練主題為急救理論,傷者處理方法,之後亦有地圖閱讀,學習基礎讀圖知識及方法。 而學員則參加領導才能訓練,以增強自我認知,表達能力,訓練領導才能,團體協作技巧,培養成為領袖角色。 On November 9, the single-day squadron training day for C Squadron of the Hong Kong Adventure Corps took place at our school. In preparation for shouldering responsibilities at the school's Sports Day opening ceremony and the HKAC annual parade, the morning training session focused on drill exercises, , including Chinese-style Drill formations. After lunch, the training theme for the recruit cadets centered around first aid theory and methods for handling injuries. Subsequently, they engaged in map reading, learning basic map-reading knowledge and techniques. Other members participated in leadership training to enhance self-awareness, communication skills, leadership abilities, teamwork, and to cultivate their roles as leaders. |
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