香港少年領袖團惠僑分隊,於10月19-20日進行本學期第一次的兩日一夜訓練營。 是次訓練營為新見習學員的首次訓練營,長官及導師為他們詳細介紹營地設施,訓練營內守則。見習學員亦進行步操訓練,訓練見習學員意志力,忍耐力; 其他學員複習以往的步操動作訓練,及學習帶領分隊步操時發令技巧和注意當中的訓示事項。中隊亦安排攀石牆及游繩垂降活動以加強自信心及提升體能,提升個人身心素養。 翌日C中隊於10月20日上午外出到山頂廣場參與社區服務,香港乳癌基金會-乳健同行2024步行籌款活動,協助舞台前人群管理及會場內公眾秩序,團員透過參與社區服務,學習建立自信及與人溝通技巧。 The Wai Kiu Troop of the Hong Kong Adventure Corps conducted their first overnight training camp of the semester on October 19-20. This training camp marked the first for the new recruit cadets. The commanding officers and instructors provided detailed introductions to the camp facilities and standing regulations. The recruit cadets engaged in footdrill training to build their willpower and endurance, while other members reviewed past drill movements and learned command techniques and important instructions for leading squad drill formations. The squadron also organized rock climbing and Abseiling activities to boost confidence, enhance physical fitness, and improve overall personal well-being. The following day, on October 20, C Squadron participated in community service at the Peak Square in the morning. They assisted with crowd management and public order at the Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation's "Walk for Pink Walk for Health 2024" fundraising event. Through this community service involvement, members learned to build confidence and enhance their communication skills. |
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