為配合國家和香港發展創新產業的方向,針對文化創意產業的範疇,本校10位學生連同兩間深水埗區學校,共30名學生一同前往北京,到當地航天科技和通信科技機構,作 7 天的交流及體驗,重點認識內地的科技及航天的前景和發展情況。並藉一系列的參觀、考察、拜訪及研習活動,擴闊眼界,深入而全面地認識國家各方面的發展現況,培養家國情懷。
To align with the direction of national and Hong Kong development in innovative industries, ten students from our school, along with 20 students from two schools in the Sham Shui Po District, traveled to Beijing for a 7-day exchange and experience program. The focus was to understand the prospects and development of technology and aerospace in Mainland China. Through a series of visits, inspections, meetings, and study activities, participants broadened their horizons and gained an in-depth and comprehensive understanding of various aspects of the country's current development situation, fostering a sense of patriotism. |
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