香港少年領袖團惠僑分隊於3月15-16日舉行訓練營,延續初級士官深造班課程,訓練內容集中於教學方法,施訓技巧,之後更有歷奇旅程包括自然迷彩偽裝,天幕搭建等。 另外本校領隊老師參加了團總部舉辦之見習導師訓練班,並於3月16日於舉行結業操,成功晉升為正式導師,未來將服務本校,共同肩負起領導惠僑分隊職務。 恭喜各位老師! 惠僑分隊畢業導師名單: 梁耀燦導師 何宗維導師 陳子藝導師 The Wai KiuTroop of the Hong Kong Adventure Corps held a training camp on March 15-16, continuing the Squadron Junior Non-Commissioned Officers' Cadre. The training focused on teaching methods, training techniques, followed by adventurous activities including natural camouflage and field tent pitching. Additionally, our school's lead teacher participated in the Potential Instructor Training Course organized by the headquarters. On March 16th, a graduation ceremony was held, where they were successfully promoted to formal instructors. They will now serve our school, jointly shouldering the responsibilities of leading the Wai Kiu Troop. Congratulations to all the teachers! Wai KiuTroop Passing Out Insrtuctor: Instructor. LEUNG YT Instructor. HO CW Instructor. CHAN TN |
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