本校舞蹈隊19位同學於第61屆學校舞蹈節取得甲等(中國舞組)和乙等(街舞組)的好成績。 中國舞《綻放》將維吾爾族姑娘比作明艷亮麗的花朵,徐徐綻放;而街舞《Wake Up》利用剛柔並濟的動作,展現了女性的覺醒。評判們對我校同學對於舞蹈風格的把握加以讚賞,更肯定了她們在比賽中的熱情投入及團隊精神。 Our school's dance team, consisting of 19 students, achieved excellent results at the 61st Schools Dance Festival, receiving a first prize in the Chinese dance category and a second prize in the street dance category. The Chinese dance piece "Blooming" compares Uyghur girls to bright and beautiful flowers that gradually open up. Meanwhile, the street dance piece "Wake Up" showcases the awakening of women through a combination of strong and gentle movements. The judges praised our students for their understanding of dance styles and acknowledged their passionate involvement and team spirit during the competition. |
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