本校師生參加了懲教署的「更新先鋒計劃—『綠島計劃』」。活動當天,除了參觀島上的戒毒所,學生們還與正在戒毒的所員會面。 透過所員的分享,同學們對濫用藥物的不良後果有更深認識,同時也明白到干犯相關罪行的沉重代價,並不斷警惕自己。 Our school participated in the Correctional Services Department's Rehabilitation Pioneer Project – ‘Green Haven Scheme’. On the day of the event, students visited the drug rehabilitation center. They also met with inmates undergoing treatment. Through the experiences sharing, students have a deeper understanding of the negative consequences of drug abuse. They also realize the serious penalties in committing such crimes and stay away from it. |
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