香港少年領袖團惠僑分隊,於2月15-16日進行兩日一夜訓練營。 營期首日進行中隊學員初級士官深造班。內容以領導才能及實務技巧為主,首日課程包括恪守士官行為與紀律,了解職守與責任,進階步操練習,發令指揮步操小隊,無線電操作實習。而見習學員繼續於營內進行訓練,繩結運用,天幕搭建等。 翌日,資深學員及學員士官清晨出發參與2025公益金新界區百萬行 – 西沙GO PARK的社區服務,負責人流管制職務,並為百萬行嘉賓及參加者提供路線及資訊指引。 惠僑分隊下學期有5位學員晉升為學員士官: S.5A 何嘉欣學員下士 S.3B 王   盛學員下士 S.2B 黃可雯學員下士 S.2B 林智源學員下士 S.2B 吳銳滔學員下士 恭喜各位,希望各位學員士官繼續於崗位中努力不懈,服務社會,成為團隊與學校中之良好榜樣。 The Wai Kiu Troop of the Hong Kong Adventure Corps conducted a two-day, one-night training camp on February 15-16. The first day of the camp focused on the Squadron Cadet Junior Non-Commissioned Officers' Cadre. The content emphasized leadership skills and practical techniques, covering topics such as adhering to NCOs behavior and discipline, understanding duties and responsibilities, advanced footdrill exercises, commanding footdrill squads, and radio operation practice.Recruits cadets continued their training within the camp, practicing knot tying, tent pitching, and other skills. The following day, senior cadets and cadet NCOs set out early in the morning to participate in the Community Service of The Community Chest New Territories Walk for Millions 2025 – GO PARK Sai Sha. They were responsible for crowd control duties and provided route and information guidance to guests and participants of the event. In the upcoming semester, the Wai Kiu Troop will see 5 cadets promoted to cadet Lance Corporal: S.5A C/Lcpl.Ho Ka Yan, S.3B C/Lcpl.HUANG Sheng, S.2B C/Lcpl.HUANG Kewen, S.2B C/Lcpl.LIN Zhiyuan, S.2B C/Lcpl.WU Yui To, Congratulations to all! It is hoped that each cadet Lance Corporal will continue to work diligently in their roles, serving the community and setting an example within the team and the school. |
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