Up 聖誕聯歡 / Talent Show

學生會Beacon主辦的聖誕聯歡Talent Show分別於12月18及19日順利舉行。學生會於本年度特意把才藝比賽分為歌唱組及舞蹈組,好讓惠僑各位同學都能在舞台上大展所長,又精心在禮堂掛上不同的聖誕主題裝飾,並輔以燈光營造聖誕氣氛,各參賽同學在台上施展渾身解數,載歌載舞,亦有多才多藝的老師們與同學一同表演。學生會更邀請到曾參與《全民造星IV》的唱作歌手周卓盈(阿Mic)到校表演,台下氣氛熱烈,為Talent Show掀起高潮,惠僑師生於一片歡聲笑語中迎接聖誕佳節及新一年的來臨。

The Christmas Talent Show organized by the Student Association Beacon was successfully held on December 18 and 19. This year, Beacon deliberately divided the talent competition into singing and dancing categories, allowing all students to showcase their talents on stage. The hall was adorned with crafted Christmas-themed decorations, complemented by lighting that created a festive atmosphere. The participating students gave their all on stage, singing and dancing with enthusiasm, and there were also performances by talented teachers and students. Beacon even invited Michelle Chow, a singer-songwriter who participated in “King Maker IV,” to perform at the school. The atmosphere in the audience was enthusiastic, and it reached its climax during the Talent Show. Teachers and students welcomed the Christmas holiday and the arrival of the new year amidst joyful laughter and applause. Such events not only allow students to showcase their talents but also add vibrancy and a joyful atmosphere to the campus and provide students with more opportunities to display their talents while fostering a sense of joy and unity throughout the school.


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