為拓濶學生視野,引導學生認識自然,惠僑特舉辦森林生態跨學科學習活動。中一和中二的同學分組前往香港仔郊野公園、荃錦坳及大埔滘自然護理區,進行互動學習活動及戶外探索,學生了解香港不同地貌的生態,欣賞大自然的巧奪天工,樂在其中。 To broaden students’ horizons and guide students to understand nature, Wai Kiu College has organized the Forest Ecology Interdisciplinary Learning Activity. S.1 and S.2 students visited Aberdeen Country Park, Tsuen Kam Au and Tai Po Kau Nature Park Reserve in groups for interactive activities and outdoor exploration. Through the activity, students learn more about the ecology of different landscapes in Hong Kong and appreciate the marvelous creation from Mother Nature. |
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