香港少年領袖團 C中隊於10月15日上午參與社區服務,香港乳癌基金會-乳健同行2023步行籌款活動,協助舞台前人群管理及會場內公眾秩序,團員透過參與社區服務,學習建立自信及與人溝通技巧。 社區服務過後,團員沿龍虎山郊野公園步行下山到香港大學,沿途講解野外自然生態環境內遇見的動植物。團員在路程中經過舊松林炮台遺蹟,導師亦同時在戰場遺蹟上講解二次大戰軍侵華與香港淪陷史實,讓團員了解歷史,珍惜和平。 On the morning of October 15, the C Squadron of the Hong Kong Adventure Corps participated in a community service event. They assisted in crowd management and maintaining public order at the Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation's "Pink Walk 2023" fundraising event. Through their participation in community service, the Cadets learned to build confidence and improve their communication skills. After the community service, the squadron members walked down the Lung Fu Shan Country Park to the University of Hong Kong, explaining the wildlife and plants they encountered along the way. They also passed by the remnants of the Old Pinewood Battery, where the instructors explained the historical facts of the Japanese invasion of China and the Fall of Hong Kong. This helped the Cadets understand history and cherish peace. |
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