恭喜5B班農上華和袁頌寧同學,在華潤集團主辦的「同心創夢 - 第四屆繪畫大賽」中均獲得銅獎的優異成績,同學的作品現於香港故宮文化博物館賽馬會演講廳外展出。同學當天更接受主辦單位的訪問,分享作品創作意念。
Congratulations to students NONG Shanghua and YUAN Chung Ning from Class 5B for their outstanding achievement of receiving Bronze Awards in the "Together for Dreams - 4th Painting Competition" organized by China Resources Group. Their artworks are currently being exhibited outside the Lecture Hall of the Hong Kong Palace Museum. On that day, the students also had the opportunity to be interviewed by the organizers to share their creative ideas behind the artworks. |
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