Up 百位深水埗學生京滬交流團 / Beijing-Shanghai exchange group of 100 Sham Shui Po students Slideshow

「2024年百名香港深水埗中學生京滬交流計劃」活動為期6天,由8月8 日起,一百位香港深水埗區中學生赴上海、北京,深度體驗並見證祖國的發展成就。 走訪新華路社區營造中心,學生們通過參觀展示空間、參與式工作坊、共學共享辦公空間等區域,聆聽社區基層治理相關營造案例,了解了新華社區激發居民參與社區共治所打造的「美好生活共創平台」;步入愚園路歷史風貌街區,學生們參訪了布爾什維克編輯部舊址、愚園路歷史名人牆及歷史名人故居。大家還來到愚園路公共市集、愚園百貨公司等,親身感受這條百年馬路所承載的歷史故事與現代活力。他們還走進華東政法大學,領略了長寧學子的風采、在蘇河步道漫步,感受自然美景。 此外,學生走訪四行倉庫,深刻體會革命先輩們堅定的愛國情懷和革命信仰;到達上證教育基地學習金融知識,與四位位於投資銀行工作的財經人士交流;也在外灘欣賞上海的景色。 而且,香港學生還能乘坐高鐵,從上海去北京,感受內地交地科技的發展。其後在什刹海和煙袋斜街,感受老北京胡同文化。學生也在凌晨起床,前往天安門廣場觀看升旗儀式。 最後,前往北京大學與北大學生交流、了解北大校史,到訪香港特區政府駐北京辦事處交流,了解駐北京辦事處在內地的工作。

The "Beijing-Shanghai Exchange Program for 100 Hong Kong Sham Shui Po District Secondary School Students in 2024" will last for 6 days. Starting from August 8, one hundred Hong Kong Sham Shui Po District secondary school students will go to Shanghai and Beijing to experience in depth and witness the development achievements of the motherland. Visiting the Xinhua Road Community Construction Center, the students visited exhibition spaces, participatory workshops, shared office spaces and other areas, listened to construction cases related to community grassroots governance, and learned about the "good life" created by Xinhua Community by motivating residents to participate in community co-governance. "Co-creation Platform"; entering the historical district of Yuyuan Road, the students visited the former site of the Bolshevik Editorial Office, the Yuyuan Road Historical Wall of Fame and the former residences of historical celebrities. Everyone also visited the Yuyuan Road Public Market and Yuyuan Department Store to experience first-hand the historical stories and modern vitality carried by this century-old road. They also visited East China University of Political Science and Law, appreciated the style of students from Changning, walked along the Suhe Trail and felt the natural beauty. In addition, students visited the Sihang Warehouse and deeply experienced the firm patriotism and revolutionary beliefs of the revolutionary ancestors; they arrived at the Shanghai Securities Education Base to learn financial knowledge and communicated with four financial professionals working in investment banks; they also enjoyed the scenery of Shanghai on the Bund. Moreover, Hong Kong students can also take the high-speed rail from Shanghai to Beijing to experience the development of science and technology in the mainland. Later, you can experience the Hutong culture of old Beijing in Shichahai and Yandai Xiejie. Students also got up early in the morning and went to Tiananmen Square to watch the flag-raising ceremony. Finally, the students went to Peking University to communicate with Peking University students and learn about the history of Peking University. the students also visited the Hong Kong SAR Government Office in Beijing to communicate and learn about the work of the Beijing Office in the Mainland.


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