Up IPEA 敲擊樂菁英賽 / IPEA International Percussion Competition Slideshow

本校惠僑英文中學步操銀樂隊於7月14日參加了香港敲擊藝術節的2024 IPEA 敲擊樂菁英賽(港珠澳區大賽),是次比賽中獲得步操鼓重奏(公開組)的銀獎

Our school Marching Band has joined the IPEA International Percussion Competition 2024 (Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau) in Percussionfest Hong Kong. We got Sliver A ward in Marching Drum Ensemble (Open Class).
Congratulations to 3C Leung Pak Ho, 3C Wong Sze Ki, 3A Lee Ho Yin Jacob and 3A Situ Yui Chung.

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