本校有10名同學於7月6日至7月11日參加了滬港社團總會舉辦之「滬港同心青少年考察交流計劃」,連同其他學校、共七百多名學生乘坐高鐵一連六日到上海不同地點參觀和交流,透過到學校與上海青年作雙向交流,促進滬、港兩地民心相通。 本校5C劉淑妍更以崇明分團的學生代表身分到台上演講,獲得各領導大力讚賞! Our school had 10 students participate in the "Shanghai-Hong Kong Youth Exchange and Exploration Program" organized by the Federation of Hong Kong-Shanghai Associations from July 6th to July 11th. Together with over 700 students from other schools, they traveled by high-speed rail to various locations in Shanghai for a six-day program of visits and exchanges. Through interactions with local students at schools, they facilitated mutual understanding and strengthened the connections between Shanghai and Hong Kong. Student from our school, Lau Shuk-in from Class 5C, represented the Chongming delegation and delivered a speech on stage, which was highly praised by the event organizers and leaders. |
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