由西九龍家長聯會及環保教育及社區參與項目 「環境及自然保育基金資助』的『最緊要惜碳』— 碳中和教育計劃」,學生們能夠利用他們經過一系列活動所吸收有關碳中和的知識後,以不同形式的攤位展示。嘉年華會於社區進行,讓學生靈活運用對碳中和的認識,其次讓學生能與社區不同人士作環保推廣。以不同形式的攤位提供互動教育給參與項目的學校及大眾,提升他們應對氣候變化的意識,由生活細節開始實踐低碳和可持續生活。
Carbon Neutrality Education Program is organized by the West Kowloon Parents Association and Environment and Conservation Fund. Students acquire the knowledge about carbon neutrality and demonstrate it by setting up various booths in the community. This program aims at involving the participation from the general public. Through interactive games and informative illustration, citizens may raise their awareness on climate change, thus executing low-carbon lifestyle and sustainable development. |
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