Up 23-24 年度傑出家長教師會 傑出家長義工及學生傑出服務嘉許禮 / 23-24 Annual Outstanding Parent-Teacher Association, Outstanding Parent Volunteer and Outstanding Student Service Recognition Ceremony Slideshow

本校榮獲23-24 年度「傑出家長教師會」榮譽,以表揚學校在推動家長教育及活動之努力。此外,本校家教會主席胡超雄先生、副主席葉瑞娟女士、5A班劉偉贊及5C班趙碧儀同學分別獲頒「傑出家長義工」及「學生傑出服務獎」以表揚鼓勵家長及同學積極參與學校的義務工作。

Our school won the honor of "Outstanding Parent-Teacher Association" in 23-24 in recognition of the school's efforts in promoting parent education and activities. In addition, Mr. Wu Chiu Hung, Chairman of the PTA, Ms. Ye Rui Juan, Vice Chairman, Lau Wai Tsan Cyrus from Class 5A, and Chiu Pik Yi from Class 5C were awarded the "Outstanding Parent Volunteer" and "Student Outstanding Service Award" respectively in recognition of encouraging parents and students to actively participate in the school's voluntary work.


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