本校升學及擇業輔導組與YWCA合作,特意為我校中二同學,於試後活動期間安排職業體驗工作坊。同學有機會在六種不同性質的工作中體驗其中四項,當中包括咖啡師、營養師、時裝設計師、桌遊導師、E - marking及辦工室助理。活動由有經驗的導師、在職人士或就讀相關學科的學生主領,讓同學有機會親身了解不同行業的工作內容,發掘自己的興趣,探索未來的可能性。
The school's career guidance team has partnered with the YWCA to organize a vocational experience workshop for our Form 2 students during the post-exam activity period. Students have the opportunity to experience four out of six different types of jobs, including baristas, dietitian, fashion designers, board game instructors, E - marking, and office assistants. The event is led by experienced mentors, professionals, or students studying related subjects, providing students with the opportunity to gain firsthand knowledge of the job content of different industries, discover their interests, and explore future possibilities. |
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