Up 關愛校園獎勵計劃 / Caring School Award Scheme Slideshow


B—(Belief 信念):學校推行關愛工作所持守的信念
L—(Leadership 領導):領導者帶領學校推行關愛工作的才能
E—(Environment 環境):學校推動關愛工作的配套、制度、氣氛
S—(Support 支援):對相關的學生、家長或老師的實際支持行動
S—(Sharing 分享):將關愛精神向外推廣及分享,感染更多


The awards of the "Caring School Award Scheme" are selected by academics, representatives from the education sector, representatives from the social service sector, parents' representatives and student representatives. The judging panel will evaluate the school's caring work in the following five areas:

Adjudicators will assess the schools according to the following core elements:

B—(Belief): Implementation of the Caring School Belief
L—(Leadership): Competence of School Leaders
E—(Environment): School Policy, System and Culture
S—(Support): Supports for Students, Parents and Teaching Staffs
S—(Sharing): Promotion of the Caring School Culture to the Community

After careful selection by the sponsoring organization, our school was approved and awarded the honor of "Caring School ". This year, the school was also awarded the "Honorable Award" to commend and recognize the school's efforts in promoting a caring campus culture for more than ten consecutive years.


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