Up 心繁家國聯校中式步操比賽頒獎典禮 / Heart for Home and Country Inter-school Chinese Drill Flag-raising Competition Awards Ceremony Slideshow

本校同學於5月22日出席由香港警務處聯同全港各中小學校舉辦之「心繫家國 」— 聯校中式步操比賽頒獎典禮。大會邀請到保安局局長鄧炳強先生 GBS,PDSM ,JP作主禮嘉賓為參賽同學致勉詞。

得獎同學包括: 4C 王少朋 5C 韋沐倩 5C 黎錦婷 5C 趙碧儀 2B 黃盛

"Heart for Home and Country" Inter-school Chinese Drill Flag-raising Competition Awards Ceremony Our school students attended the "Heart for Home and Country" Inter-school Chinese Drill Flag-raising Competition Awards Ceremony on May 22, organized by the Hong Kong Police Force in collaboration with schools across Hong Kong. We were honored to have Mr. Chris Tang, GBS, PDSM, JP, the Secretary for Security, as the guest of honor to deliver an encouraging speech to the participating students.

Our school students stood out among the 50 participating schools in the secondary school category. They showcased excellent performance, executing the entire flag-raising procedure with precision, fluency, and synchronized steps. It was their first time participating in the competition, and they achieved the remarkable feat of winning the Bronze Award.
During the awards ceremony, highlights of our students' participation and interviews conducted by the organizers were featured and will be broadcasted on Hong Kong's Channel 31 in June.

The winning students include:

Wong Siu Pang from Class 4C
Wei Mu Qian from Class 5C
Lai Kam Ting from Class 5C
Chiu Pik Yi from Class 5C
Huang Sheung from Class 2B

Congratulations to these students for their well-deserved achievement!

WhatsApp Image 2024-05-25 at 17.08.04

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