「二零二三至二零二四年度畢業暨頒獎典禮」已於五月廿三日(四)圓滿結束,當天邀請到本校校友立法會議員周文港博士JP 蒞臨擔任主禮嘉賓,並惠贈嘉言訓語,讓我校師弟師妹得到勉勵,一眾師生如沐春風,畢業同學更覺振奮。 在典禮尾聲,畢業同學表演勁歌熱舞,有的彈奏悅耳琴音,為畢業典禮添上一份色彩。 The Graduation and Prize-giving Ceremony 2023-2024 was successfully conducted on May 23rd (Wednesday). Our school invited Dr. CHOW Man-kong, JP, Honourable Alumnus and member of the Legislative Council, to be the guest of honor. He delivered an inspiring speech, encouraging our graduated schoolmates. There was filled with a warm, spring-like atmosphere, and the graduating students felt greatly inspired. Towards the end of the ceremony, the graduating students performed lively songs and dances. Some even played melodious music, adding vibrancy to the ceremony. |
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