「拾自路口-生涯教育及發展計劃 2023-2024」以提升中四及中五同學們的生涯發展動力及能力為主要目標,並透過探討和整理個人失敗經驗,鼓勵同學們學習欣賞及擁抱「失敗」為他們帶來的成長意義,重新思考「失敗」對其生命歷程的啟示,藉此重新出發,踏上生涯發展旅程。並透過新的活動體驗,增進同學們對個人特質及能力探索的認識,豐富他們對生涯發展的想像,同時拉闊他們對「成功」的固有定義,從而提升他們的生涯發展動機及能力。
The Picking Up at the Crossroads Career Education and Development project 2023-2024 aims to enhance the career development motivation and capabilities of students in Form Four and Form Five. By exploring and reflecting on personal experiences of failure, the program encourages students to appreciate and embrace the growth opportunities that "failure" brings, and to reconsider the insights that "failure" provides in their life journey. Through this process, students can embark on their career development journey with a fresh perspective. The program also incorporates new experiential activities to deepen students' understanding of their personal traits and abilities, enrich their imagination of career development, and broaden their inherent definition of "success." |
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