香港少年領袖團C中隊於5月11日進行單日中隊訓練日。 是日訓練專注於傳統步操,急救,營藝,繩結,無線電通訊及其他見習學員畢業試考核內容。 另外,恭喜本校王少朋學員經過長達半年的考檢後, 晉升至學員下士。 On May 11th, the Hong Kong Adventure Corps, C Squadron, conducted a single-day squadron training day. The training focused on traditional drill, first aid, campcraft, knot tying, radio communication, and other assessment components of the recruits' graduation examination. Congratulations to Cadet Wong Siu-pang from our school on being promoted to Cadet Lance Corporal after a rigorous six-month assessment. |
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