本校於2024年5月4日舉辦了深水埗區校際AI藝術創作比賽。此次活動旨在讓小學生理解AI聊天機器人和AI繪圖的基本概念和應用,通過實踐操作深入學習,培養合作、創意和解決問題的能力,並在競賽中發揮創造力。 比賽當天,來自深水埗區各小學的參賽者齊聚本校禮堂,個個躍躍欲試,迫不及待地想要展示自己的AI藝術創作。經過生成式AI及AI繪圖軟件的介紹,以及AI聊天機器人軟件的講解,參賽者們全情投入到正式比賽和成品製作中。 經過近兩小時的激烈角逐,小學生們創作出一系列別具一格、富有創意的AI藝術作品。在頒獎環節,冠、亞、季軍及多名獎項得主接過獎項,臉上洋溢著自豪的笑容。每位參賽者也獲得了證書,以表彰他們的參與和努力。 此次比賽不僅提供了一個展示才華的舞台,更為小學生們帶來了寶貴的學習機會。通過親身實踐,他們對AI技術有了更深入的認識,同時也鍛煉了團隊合作和創新思維的能力。本校期待未來能夠舉辦更多類似活動,為培養新一代AI人才貢獻力量。 Our school hosted the Sham Shui Po Inter-School AI Art Creation Competition on May 4, 2024. The event aimed to help primary school students understand the basic concepts and applications of AI chatbots and AI drawing, learn through hands-on practice, cultivate cooperation, creativity, and problem-solving skills, and unleash their creativity in the competition. On the day of the competition, participants from various primary schools in Sham Shui Po gathered in our school hall, eager to showcase their AI art creations. After an introduction to generative AI and AI drawing software, as well as an explanation of AI chatbot software, the participants fully immersed themselves in the formal competition and the creation of their final products. After nearly two hours of intense competition, the primary school students created a series of unique and creative AI artworks. During the award ceremony, the champions, runners-up, second runners-up, and multiple prize winners received their awards with proud smiles on their faces. Each participant also received a certificate to recognize their participation and efforts. This competition not only provided a platform to showcase their talents but also brought valuable learning opportunities for the primary school students. Through hands-on practice, they gained a deeper understanding of AI technology and also exercised their teamwork and innovative thinking skills. Our school looks forward to organizing more similar events in the future to contribute to the cultivation of the next generation of AI talents. |
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