Up 香港少年領袖團 水上活動訓練營 / HKAC Water Activies Camp Slideshow

香港少年領袖團 C中隊於8月26-27日進行水上活動訓練營, 亦為本學期最後一次的兩日一夜訓練營。 訓練日首日先為學員舉行由來自勞工處青年就業科講者主持生涯規劃講座,希望能將制服團隊歷程及學習成果用以規劃人生,展望將來。 翌日出發到創興水上活動中心進行彩艇及獨木舟活動,加強團隊合作精神,溝通協作能力,鍛鍊意志及體能。

Hong Kong Adventure Corps, C Squadron, conducted a two-day-one-night water training camp on August 26-27, which also marked the last training camp of the semester. On the first day of training, a career planning seminar was held for the participants, hosted by a speaker from the Youth Employment Division of the Labour Department. The aim was to encourage the students to use their experiences and learning outcomes from being part of a uniformed team to plan their future and envision their aspirations. The following day, the Squadron departed for the Chong Hing Water Activities Centre to engage in activities such as kayaking and canoeing. The purpose was to enhance teamwork, communication, collaboration skills, as well as develop resilience and physical fitness.


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