香港文化博物館正舉辦「虛擬凡爾賽宮之旅」展覽,為增加學生對法國凡爾賽宮及相關歷史的認識,本校歷史科老師將帶領中二級學生參觀該專題展覽。凡爾賽宮是法國文化遺產中最偉大的豐碑之一,它的宏偉建築和豐富收藏早在幾個世紀前就已經令人嘆為觀止。透過多媒體和互動裝置,這個展覽將為你帶來沉浸式虛擬體驗,讓人有如置身於凡爾賽宮的著名景點如鏡廳、法式園林、王后瑪麗.安托瓦奈特的寢室等,一窺這座宮殿的璀璨美景,同時認識凡爾賽宮的輝煌歷史。 Hong Kong Heritage Museum is holding Virtually Versailles Exhibition. To enhance students’ understanding of history of Palace of Versailles in France, the school will organize a visit for S.2 History students to the Hong Kong Heritage Museum. The magic of legendary Versailles has been admired globally for centuries and is still one of the most prestigious symbols of France's grandeur and heritage. With the innovative design, multi-media and interactive installation of this immersive exhibition, you almost feel as though you are stepping into the famed Hall of Mirrors, the French gardens and even catch a glimpse of Marie-Antoinette's bedchamber, and revisit the magnificent history of the Palace. |
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