經濟科為中三同學特意安排由大細路劇團與積金局合辦,2022-23學年 中學理財教育互動劇埸,主題為生涯規劃Get Set Go! 透過興趣有趣的話劇,讓中三同學在未踏入職場之前,能為自己的人生有更周詳的規劃,分辨自己需要與想要的物品,為將來未雨綢繆,在理財方面能預先有個保障。
The 2022-23 secondary school financial education interactive drama event, jointly organized by the Employees' Provident Fund (EPF) and the Daai Sai Luk Theatre Group, has been specially arranged for Form 3 students. The theme of the event is "Get Set Go!" career planning. Through interesting and engaging dramas, the event aims to help Form 3 students plan their lives more thoughtfully before entering the workforce, distinguish between their needs and wants, and have a financial safety net to prepare for the future. |
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