經歷過三年的疫症,社會逐漸復常,因此本校安排了畢業典禮給本屆中六畢業生,多位畢業生家長亦親臨見證孩子們踏入人生的另一個重要階段。當日,朱德榮校監、鄭智賢校長 M.H.為畢業生訓勉並帶來祝福,但願各位畢業生認清自我,選擇最適合自己的發展方向去開拓自己的天地!
After three years pandemic and the society is gradually returning to normal. We arranged a speech day for the Form 6 students. Many parents of the graduates also attended to witness their children stepping into another important stage of life. On that day, Supervisor Chu Tak-wing and Principal Cheng Che-yin M.H. gave words of encouragement and blessings to the graduates, hoping that each of them will recognize themselves and choose the most suitable direction for their own development to explore their own world. |
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