It is my honour to bid a joyful farewell to the three graduating classes here. After six years of hard work, every one of you has fi nally fi nished your secondary study and will soon leave Wai Kiu College and continue a journey to a bright future. I sincerely hope you bear in mind that during your studies, your class teachers and subject teachers helped you a lot without asking rewards. Moreover, your parents and family members have been devoted, selfless, and caring about you which contributed to who you are today. Because of this, I would like to give praise to all the teachers, thank the dedicated parents for their hard work, and congratulate the graduating classes with sincerity.
For Wai Kiu College, 2014 indeed is a year with special meanings as this is the 45th anniversary of the school. For this, the school has been organizing a series of activities from the beginning of the term. For example, the 45th Anniversary Slogan Writing Competition, the 45th Anniversary Logo Design Competition and the 45th Anniversary Lunar New Year Fair etc. By participating in the above activities all of our teachers, students, alumni, and neighbors can share in the celebration of this signifi cant milestone. This 45th anniversary school journal records the long history of Wai Kiu College and the greetings from our outstanding alumni, parents and companions. With respect to our yearlong celebration, the climax of our celebration will take place in the month of May. After our Annual Speech Day on 23rd May, we will host the 45th Anniversary Banquet. These events will be followed by 2-day School Open Day. These various activities will serve as a lead up to the most anticipated event – the 45th Anniversary. One of the Wai Kiu’s slogans is "we aim to achieve fruitful results" . If we consider Wai Kiu’s past we can witness an amazing transformation that has occurred over the course of forty-fi ve years. Wai Kiu College grew from a basic, 2-storey building 45 years ago, to the sprawling campus we have now. This is not an easy task. Although our achievements are still growing to their full potential, we are a Direct Subsided School which is well recognized by the community. Furthermore, we have educated hundreds and thousands of students and trained them to become a valuable resource to society. We achieved these successes regardless of the obstacles we faced time and again. As the supervisor of Wai Kiu College, I am deeply proud of our success.
In recent years, Hongkongers have become more and more pessimistic about their future. Many citizens are worried about the law and order, freedom of speech, economic development, and the living conditions in Hong Kong. It seems that everyone is anxious about the bleak prospects of Hong Kong. Yet, we have to think positively. Even as a supervisor of a school, I have also experienced ups and downs in the course of my life. I strongly believe that even the most successful person has had at least one low point in their life. Wai Kiu College is not an exception. Presently, we are filled with joy as we celebrate the 45th anniversary of Wai Kiu College but we also have had to overcome many obstacles in the past. Similarly, Hong Kong’s society is simply at its low point at the moment. Therefore, I would like to remind all graduates that adversity is only temporary and so we should not be too pessimistic. Instead, we ought to strengthen ourselves in order to get well prepared for the future. The tougher the situation is, the stronger we must become. Due to globalization, the competitors for fresh graduates are no longer only Hong Kong teenagers. Therefore, you need to be fl exible. In order to gain competitive edge, you should be like a sponge, absorbing and acquiring new knowledge to catch up with the changes to society. We should never stop pursuing bi-literacy and tri-lingualism. Whereas Mandarin is the key to open the door of opportunities in the Mainland China, English is a real advantage as it is the main tool of communication with people all over the world. We should put an end to treating ourselves as an island. Instead of being reserved and restricting ourselves to our own universe, students should seize every learning opportunity and job opportunity available overseas since it is a golden opportunity to utilize your talents.
Providing various kinds of extra-curricular activities is part of our school’s culture. Moreover, your class teachers also stress having unity because we hope students will learn the essence of cooperation through the interaction among other students. There is no society that consists of only one person. We have to keep in touch with each other at all times. We also have to consider others’ needs and thoughts and not solely think of ourselves. One of the most important values that Confucius suggests is the "Spirit of Forgiveness." The meaning of "Forgiveness" is to be considerate and to think from other’s perspectives. Soon you will all become members of society. Instead of solely striving for the best, you have to learn to be thoughtful, caring and have the will to help each other and ultimately, to cope with each other in an appropriate way.