Address: 17, Wai Chi Street, Shek Kip Mei, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon Tel: 2777 6289
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公益少年團 惠僑義工隊 少年警訊






1. 認識及了解各社會問題

2. 參與各項社區服務計劃

3. 與各公民團體共同致力於社區服務工作

4. 喚醒市民的公德心

5. 以身作則,做一個熱心公益的青少年




Introduction of Community Youth Club


The aim of the CYC is to work for a better Hong Kong.

All CYC members are local young people who are ready to serve the community. Their duties are to:


1. know and understand community matters;

2. participate in community service projects;

3. work with other civic groups in serving the community;

4. arouse the public awareness of civic responsibility;

5. set an example for the community as a keen supporter of community services.


The objective of the CYC is to provide the youth with education outside the school curriculum to enhance their sense of civic responsibility. Through visits to community service organisations, CYC members can experience personally the work of these institutions and learn to be a caring person with a passion for active participation in community affairs. With its motto "Learn, Be concerned and Serve", the Club continues to provide students in Hong Kong with additional chances of understanding and serving the community.






I 獎勵的根據 -




II 等級 - 公益少年團獎勵計勵的七個等級 


基本級 (黃色徽章) (累積積點:4)

初級 (綠色徽章) (累積積點:4+6=10)

中級 (橙色徽章) (累積積點:10+8=18)

高級 (紫色徽章) (累積積點:18 +12 = 30)

三等榮譽級 (藍星榮譽徽章) (累積積點:30+12=42)

二等榮譽級 (白星榮譽徽章) (累積積點:42+12=54)

一等榮譽級 (紅星榮譽徽章) (累積積點:54+1 2=66)


CYC Member Merit Award Scheme


Aim: The aim of the scheme is to encourage CYC members to take an active and initiative role in community service projects, to promote social awareness and set a good


I. Basis of Awards - Activities, including social services and activities which develop nine types of generic skills, that coincide with the Club’s motto ‘Learn, Be concerned and Serve’ will be considered for point awarding purposes under the Scheme. Members are awarded 1 to 4 points for participating in social services depending on their role of participation.


II. Gradings - Secondary School Member Awards are divided into 7 levels according to the following criteria :


Secondary School Foundation Level (Yellow Badge) (Points accumulated: 4)

Secondary School Level 1 (Green Badge) (Points accumulated: 4+6=10)

Secondary School Level 2 (Orange Badge) (Points accumulated: 10+8=18)

Secondary School Level 3 (Purple Badge) (Points accumulated: 18+12=30)

Third Honour Level (Blue Star Honour Badge) (Points accumulated: 30+12=42)

Second Honour Level (White Star Honour Badge) (Points accumulated: 42+12=54)

First Honour Level (Red Star Honour Badge) (Points accumulated: 54+12=66)


公益少年團負責老師 Teacher-in-charge :黃靜兒老師 Miss Wong Ching Yee


2023-2024執行委員名單 Committee members
主席:4B黃頌洛            副主席:4B張家銘
幹事:4B馬美華  4B 李卓軒  4C 謝進禧 4C洪羽楠


2023-2024公益少年團團員名單 Members

1A 珍 納 江家蒨 黃健明 周思敏 黃珞嘉
1B 黃可雯 鄧 晶 黃縉霆 劉尚宏
1C 胡浩洋 林凱欣 司徒曉茵 曾念慈 鄒子涵


2A 陳米娜  木雅花  小 風  馬李嘉  MEHWISH GHAINA  潘詩茹  SYARON  張秀瓊
2B 朱凱嵐  王慧欣  余永俊
2C 黃薈珊  林家誠  梅嘉恩  任浩軒


3A 張秀媛  鄺詠竣  林倩宇  李灝賢  司徒睿聰  陳家榮  簡雅麗  Elijah  Hailey  Khushi  Sara
3B 陳逸桐  杜思穎  傅紫怡  廖靜雯  黎詩敏  梁樂兒  吳嘉銘
3C朱子如  田依瑤  林子超  游子琦  廖偉豪 陳耀豪 高聖嵐 何鏜穎 梁柏浩 劉曉瑩 勞曉盈 麥羲琳 麥晴希 邱建豪 王晓彤 黃詩淇 黃彥婷 張凱旗

4A陳港文  席明鑫
4B馬美華  李卓軒  蕭恩彤  黃頌洛  張家銘
4C陳俊樂  馮䕒暶  羅穎怡  麥杰舜  張泳欣  洪羽楠  王少朋  謝進禧


5A 陳芷悠  賴臻熙 
5B 陳梓淇  林淑情  鄭燕兒  袁頌寧
5C 鄧雪晴  關浩昌  韋沐倩  梁嘉玲  MAINI GURLEEN 曾俊庭  伍煒坤  張婉晴 黃渝櫻


6A 何明慧  馮子欣  劉錦珊
6B 陳浩賢  梁達成  林志勇  吳振升  許雅琪
6C 陳晓烽  林明月  李相鏵  盧俊學  劉暐麒  劉志遠 

2023-2024獲獎名單 List of awards

基本級 (黃色徽章) Foundation Level (Yellow Badge)

2C任浩軒 2C黃薈珊

3B黎詩敏 3B梁樂兒 3B吳嘉銘
3C朱子如 3C田依瑤 3C游子琦
4B張家銘 4B黃頌洛 4B李卓軒 4B馬美華
4C洪羽楠 4C謝進禧
5B袁頌寧 5B林淑情 5B鄭燕兒 5B陳梓淇
5C伍煒坤 5C梁嘉玲 5C關浩昌 5C曾俊庭
5C張婉晴 5C GURLEEN 5C韋沐倩 5C丁芯怡
5C鄧雪晴 5C黃渝櫻
6A劉錦珊 6A馮子欣
6B陳浩賢 6B梁達成
6C陳晓烽 6C劉志遠 6C吳振升 6C盧俊學
6C林明月 6C許雅琪 6C劉暐麒


初級 (綠色徽章) Level 1 (Green Badge)

5B 袁頌寧 5B 林淑情  6A 馮子欣

基本級黄章 Foundation Level (Yellow Badge)

2A RUMBA Syaron 2B 朱凱嵐 王慧欣 2C梅嘉恩 林家誠

3A古玉珍 簡雅麗 古莎欣 3B廖靜雯 陳逸桐 傅紫怡 杜思穎 3C 高聖嵐 廖偉豪 王晓彤 黃詩淇 何鏜穎 林子超

4B蕭恩彤 張家銘 黃文茜 4C陳俊樂 麥杰舜 羅穎怡 馮䕒暶 張雨杉 王少朋

5A陳芷悠 賴臻熙


初級 (綠色徽章) Level 1 (Green Badge)

3B黎詩敏 3C田依瑤

4C洪羽楠 王少朋

5B鄭燕兒 陳梓淇

5C MAINI Gurleen 關浩昌 伍煒坤 韋沐倩